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Kullanımdaki metin | |
apihelp-protect-description (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Change the protection level of a page. |
apihelp-protect-example-protect (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Protect a page. |
apihelp-protect-example-unprotect (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Unprotect a page by setting restrictions to <kbd>all</kbd>. |
apihelp-protect-example-unprotect2 (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Unprotect a page by setting no restrictions. |
apihelp-protect-param-cascade (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Enable cascading protection (i.e. protect transcluded templates and images used in this page). Ignored if none of the given protection levels support cascading. |
apihelp-protect-param-expiry (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Expiry timestamps. If only one timestamp is set, it'll be used for all protections. Use <kbd>infinite</kbd>, <kbd>indefinite</kbd>, <kbd>infinity</kbd>, or <kbd>never</kbd>, for a never-expiring protection. |
apihelp-protect-param-pageid (Mesaj) (Çevir) | ID of the page to (un)protect. Cannot be used together with $1title. |
apihelp-protect-param-protections (Mesaj) (Çevir) | List of protection levels, formatted <kbd>action=level</kbd> (e.g. <kbd>edit=sysop</kbd>). <strong>Note:</strong> Any actions not listed will have restrictions removed. |
apihelp-protect-param-reason (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Reason for (un)protecting. |
apihelp-protect-param-title (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Title of the page to (un)protect. Cannot be used together with $1pageid. |
apihelp-protect-param-watch (Mesaj) (Çevir) | If set, add the page being (un)protected to the current user's watchlist. |
apihelp-protect-param-watchlist (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Unconditionally add or remove the page from the current user's watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch. |
apihelp-purge-description (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Purge the cache for the given titles. Requires a POST request if the user is not logged in. |
apihelp-purge-example-generator (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Purge the first 10 pages in the main namespace. |
apihelp-purge-example-simple (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Purge the <kbd>Main Page</kbd> and the <kbd>API</kbd> page. |
apihelp-purge-param-forcelinkupdate (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Update the links tables. |
apihelp-purge-param-forcerecursivelinkupdate (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Update the links table, and update the links tables for any page that uses this page as a template. |
apihelp-query+allcategories-description (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Enumerate all categories. |
apihelp-query+allcategories-example-generator (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Retrieve info about the category page itself for categories beginning <kbd>List</kbd>. |
apihelp-query+allcategories-example-size (Mesaj) (Çevir) | List categories with information on the number of pages in each. |
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-dir (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Direction to sort in. |
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-from (Mesaj) (Çevir) | The category to start enumerating from. |
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-limit (Mesaj) (Çevir) | How many categories to return. |
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-max (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Only return categories with at most this many members. |
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-min (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Only return categories with at least this many members. |
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-prefix (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Search for all category titles that begin with this value. |
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-prop (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Which properties to get: |
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-to (Mesaj) (Çevir) | The category to stop enumerating at. |
apihelp-query+allcategories-paramvalue-prop-size (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Adds number of pages in the category. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-description (Mesaj) (Çevir) | List all deleted revisions by a user or in a namespace. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-example-ns-main (Mesaj) (Çevir) | List the first 50 deleted revisions in the main namespace. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-example-user (Mesaj) (Çevir) | List the last 50 deleted contributions by user <kbd>Example<kbd>. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-end (Mesaj) (Çevir) | The timestamp to stop enumerating at. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-excludeuser (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Don't list revisions by this user. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-from (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Start listing at this title. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-generatetitles (Mesaj) (Çevir) | When being used as a generator, generate titles rather than revision IDs. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-miser-user-namespace (Mesaj) (Çevir) | <strong>Note:</strong> Due to [[mw:Manual:$wgMiserMode|miser mode]], using <var>$1user</var> and <var>$1namespace</var> together may result in fewer than <var>$1limit</var> results returned before continuing; in extreme cases, zero results may be returned. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-namespace (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Only list pages in this namespace. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-prefix (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Search for all page titles that begin with this value. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-start (Mesaj) (Çevir) | The timestamp to start enumerating from. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-tag (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Only list revisions tagged with this tag. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-to (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Stop listing at this title. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-user (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Only list revisions by this user. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-paraminfo-nonuseronly (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Cannot be used with <var>$3user</var>. |
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-paraminfo-useronly (Mesaj) (Çevir) | May only be used with <var>$3user</var>. |
apihelp-query+allfileusages-description (Mesaj) (Çevir) | List all file usages, including non-existing. |
apihelp-query+allfileusages-example-B (Mesaj) (Çevir) | List file titles, including missing ones, with page IDs they are from, starting at <kbd>B</kbd>. |
apihelp-query+allfileusages-example-generator (Mesaj) (Çevir) | Gets pages containing the files. |
apihelp-query+allfileusages-example-unique (Mesaj) (Çevir) | List unique file titles. |
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